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Cobb County Superior Court

Cobb County Superior Court

Cobb County, Georgia, prides itself on having some of the most innovative courts in the nation. Even though the Cobb County Government is a pioneer of divorce programs and seminars, the individual county courts still lacked modernization with patrons relying on paper dockets to find their respective courtrooms. Located in one of the most populated counties in Georgia, the Cobb County Courts were flooded daily with visitors who needed direction and assistance, contributing to patron congestion and distracting staff. The Cobb County Government searched for a solution to alleviate the stress on both visitors and personnel. After much research, Cobb County selected Infax to provide its digital signage software solutions.

Work began at the Cobb County Superior Court in 2009. Infax installed eleven 40-inch monitors with its DocketCall solution throughout the building’s main lobby and on each floor. The monitors were strategically placed to improve the flow of traffic through the building in order to effectively reduce crowding. DocketCall, Infax’s flagship judicial product, works alongside the court’s case management system to display case information on monitors in real time. Visitors can find information such as their name, case number, time of hearing, and presiding judge to guide them to their courthouse destinations.

After seeing DocketCall’s ability to ease patron confusion and congestion in the Superior Court, Cobb County chose to expand the system to other court locations. In early 2014, Infax provided and installed 10 46-inch monitors equipped with DocketCall at the Cobb County State Court. The county then further expanded the system with the addition of five 49-inch and three 55-inch monitors at the Magistrate Court. These monitors pair DocketCall with Engage, Infax’s content-creating digital signage solution, to display case information in a unique, personalized way. In total, Infax has installed 29 monitors in Cobb County Courts to display wayfinding and case information to visitors.

The addition of DocketCall in Cobb County’s Superior, State and Magistrate Courts has greatly improved patron congestion. Upon entering the courthouse, visitors can find where they need to report in 60 seconds or less, keeping traffic moving. In addition to court patrons, courthouse personnel are also benefitting from DocketCall. Staff members are no longer being pulled away from their jobs to assist visitors and answer wayfinding questions. This allows courthouse operations to continue uninterrupted, creating a more efficient facility. The DocketCall installations in Cobb County demonstrate how easy it is to expand an Infax system to additional locations. The solution is completely scalable and can be expanded to include multiple locations, or scaled down to accommodate a smaller case load. DocketCall’s ease of use and expansion capabilities have made the Cobb County Courts more efficient overall.

Cobb County Superior Court
Cobb County Superior Court
Cobb County Superior Court

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